Trust Investment Committee

At many other investment firms, each advisor has their own investment philosophy, which can lead to inconsistent and possibly less than desirable outcomes for clients. We believe eight minds are better than one. Therefore, all investment strategies are established and overseen by our Trust Investment Committee.

The committee meets regularly to review and document:

This committee is comprised of senior leaders and highly credentialed investment professionals across the company. Our Trust Investment Committee is responsible for evaluating macroeconomic factors and market conditions that influence our strategic investment decisions.

The committee meets regularly to review and document:

    • Performance
    • Exchange Traded Futures Contracts position (the hedge position)
    • Standard Deviation
    • Correlation with the Benchmark
    • Fund Liquidity Position
    • Underlying ETF Holdings
    • Current Asset Allocation
    • Fund Holdings
A Couple Going Over Paperwork

You can rest easy knowing your portfolio is being managed by experts according to prudent investment standards.

Meet Our Trust Investment Committee